Pan-European explorative study of the knowledge about and usage of terms for diverse offers and services on the health market 2020/2021
Summary by Susanne Löhner-Jokisch – Renate Köchling-Dietrich
Available now in every bookshop under the ISBN number 978-375-434-5191 as a book on demand in a handy paperback edition for 17.99 euros.
In political discourse, use of the term „CAM“, proposed by the ANME e.V. – the Association for Natural Medicine in Europe – has become less and less common during the past years. Today the terms „CM“ (Complementary Medicine), „IM“ (Integrative Medicine“) as well as „T&CM“ (the latter, Traditional and Complementary Medicine, following the terms used by the World Health Organization) are more commonly used. This change in parlance has prompted the idea of conducting a survey that aims to help sort out which terms are actually being used by our members and other practitioners and service providers as well as the stance ANME e.V. is to take and advocate for in future European politics.
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