In contrast to the EU, the WHO is very active in the field of CAM:
The responsible department for TM under the leadership of Dr. Zhang Qi, may not have a lot of personnel, but it has already accomplished much: seven benchmarks, over 100 plant monographs, a revised T&CM strategy paper 2014-2023, the development of a TM Diagnostic Key for the new ICD-11-Code System, and the ratified Resolution of 2014. In this year, the general assembly (WHA), of the World Health Organization (WHO), passed a Resolution on Traditional Medicine (TM=T&CM=CAM), through the votes of 194 member states, with numerous European nations among them. In this resolution, the nations were asked to integrate TM in their respective health systems. In addition to other countries, China, Japan, Korea, USA, Australia, Canada and now India, are currently putting this resolution into practice. Governments, universities, health professions and manufacturers are working together and officially supporting a positive political policy towards TM.
At this year’s WHA2016 in May, the creation of a TM Work Group was proposed in which representatives of CAM will participate…