Photons detected by magnetic resonance are efficacious in homeopathy: a critical review
by K. Lenger, Institute of ScientificHomeopathy, Germany
and G. Lang, European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH), Editor of "OA Alternative Medicine"

Abstract - Introduction
Homeopathy, a complementary healing method to cure body and mind, was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843). He produced highly potentised remedies from minerals, plants, venoms or animals, and succussed them 10 times after every dilution step. From the exceeded Avogadro constant, it had been clarified that there were no molecules left in the highly diluted solutions. According to Hahnemann’s Law of Similars (similia similibus curentur), patients had been cured administering minute doses of a remedy.
According to this principle, the symptoms produced by any substance on a group of healthy individuals are similar to those in a sick person by application of the same substance, which is then used in high dilution. The actual reason of healing in the patients could not be found: whether it is patient’s belief or an energy. Many trials had been carried out, although no conditions to start an experiment that was reproducible. After the detection of photons in homeopathic remedies by Lenger, a new thinking cussed in this critical review. Finally, a biochemical and biophysical model of homeopathic function is discussed.